South Dakota Election Recap: Major Victories

“Where then is the road to peace? You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, ‘There is a price we will not pay.’ ‘There is a point beyond which they must not advance.’” – Ronald Reagan

Election Night 2024 is being called the “greatest political comeback in history” for President-Elect Donald Trump and Republicans. South Dakota remained reliably red and defeated several dangerous amendments, keeping our state a safe haven for families. Over 69% of registered voters in South Dakota cast their ballot in the General Election – 436,417 out of 624,186 total voters in the state. Both the number of registered voters and votes cast increased since the 2020 and 2016 elections. Voters are making their voices heard through the electoral process like never before, and the results are incredible.

Based on unofficial results from the Secretary of State, here is where the five major ballot questions stand with all precincts fully reported:

  • DEFEATED: Amendment GAn Initiated Amendment Establishing a Right to Abortion in the State Constitution
    • Thankfully, the measure to enshrine abortion rights in our state constitution was defeated by the majority of South Dakota voters. This radical amendment would have legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, denied parents the right to know if their underage daughter planned to have an abortion, and removed safety standards currently in place to protect mothers.
    • “We are grateful to God and to the people of the state of South Dakota! As South Dakotans learned the truth about the extreme dangers of Amendment G, they sent a message loud and clear today: we protect mothers and children. This effort took an army of people who devoted so much time, energy, and resources to defeat this extreme effort, and for that, we are incredibly grateful,” Leslee Unruh and Jon Hansen, co-chairs of the Life Defense Fund, said in a press release.
    • Only four counties voted to approve Amendment G – one by a margin of just 1%. Every other county in the state easily defeated the amendment, contributing to the landslide victory. The winning streak of the abortion lobby has ended!
  • DEFEATED: Initiated Measure 29 – An Initiated Measure Legalizing the Recreational Use, Possession, and Distribution of Marijuana
    • IM 29 would have “allow[ed] individuals 21 years of age or older to possess, grow, ingest, and distribute marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.” In the 2022 election, the group that was formed to fight recreational marijuana (IM 27 in 2022) was told “You can’t do it” and “You can’t flip that many votes that fast.” They did, and the margin grew this election despite the large advertising effort of the marijuana industry.
    • Even better news: the man behind the past three amendments to legalize marijuana said this would be his final effort if voters reject the movement once again. Unless another group rises up to push this doomed agenda forward in two years, marijuana will be prohibited in South Dakota for the foreseeable future.
  • PASSED: Amendment FAn Amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Authorizing the State to Impose a Work Requirement on Individuals Eligible for Expanded Medicaid Benefits
    • Two years ago, voters approved a provision that expanded Medicaid eligibility for low-income individuals over 18 and under 65. This amendment would build on that provision and authorize the state to implement a work requirement for any able-bodied individual who qualifies for the expanded Medicaid program.
    • “We believe in the value of work, and that our social programs should be a hand up in tough times, not a way of life. Our SD values can prevail over big out-of-state money,” Rep. Tony Venhuizen, the amendment’s sponsor, stated.
  • DEFEATED: Amendment H – An Amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Establishing Top-Two Primary Elections
    • This amendment would have instated “open primaries,” also known as “jungle primaries” in South Dakota. Only two other states have that system in place: California and Washington. South Dakota Democrats and Republicans alike opposed the measure because it would have resulted in less political diversity in the legislature and a more gridlocked path to passing significant legislation.

Looking at the national results, we saw an explicitly anti-biblical agenda defeated. Although President Trump and JD Vance are not perfect examples of what it means to stand for Biblical truth (in fact, none of us are), their victory is nonetheless a clear victory for people of faith and the nation as a whole.

Looking at the statewide results in South Dakota, was saw each dangerous idea defeated soundly. This result will enable us to continue building a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.

These victories are not simply a “show of strength” or an example of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. We must look higher. Although our nation arguably does not deserve it, we were blessed by a reprieve, and we must look heavenward with our thanks – not just to the campaigns that worked on logistics.

Join us in thanking our Creator for this reprieve, this opportunity to right so many wrongs, to speak truth, and to turn our nation back to Him.

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