What do we know about Gen Z?

Gen Z

Gen Z comprises 68.8 million individuals in the United States alone, ranging from ages 13 to 26. But what do we really know about them, and how can we reach them on a personal level?

Older generations, including some Millennials (ages 27-43), typically look down on Gen Z with ire and disdain for their addiction to technology and proclivity for liberalism. But rather than viewing this generation as lesser-than simply for becoming a product of the environment they were raised in, we should invest our time in understanding them and how we can make a difference in their lives for the betterment of our nation.

Starting with the basics, which will be unsurprising to most: only 4% of “Zoomers” have a strong Biblical worldview, and only one in three attend church once a month. Only 16% are glad to be Americans. Forty percent say they often feel lonely.

Zoomers are the first generation in history to have a “screen based childhood” and no recollection of a time before cell phones and the world wide web. Their addiction to technology and social media was spoon-fed to them from a young age, and it has had vast implications on their brains and worldview. Their ideas of credibility, learning style, and information consumption are all crafted by their constant use of technology. 

While older generations view credibility through the lens of authority, younger generations view credibility through the lens of authenticity – the kind often seen in social media influencers. Older generations often learn best in structured environments where deep understanding can be achieved. Gen Z has a short attention span and expects information to be delivered in fast, small portions. Sound familiar? This is how social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have re-wired their brains to function.

For all their “faults,” Zoomers are known to be the most compassionate generation on record. They care deeply about their fellow humans and react intensely at signs of injustice. This would explain their devotion to social justice movements and those they see as “marginalized.” 

Put together, what do these statistics mean? Gen Z is a generation searching for the truth, and overwhelmed by the vastness of the world they have at their fingertips. They are defined by the tumultuous world they live in. They are lonely, avoidant of serious relationships, unprepared for the real world, confused about their personal identity, and ultimately in great need of Jesus.

We encourage you to take this fresh perspective of Gen Z and use it to cultivate meaningful conversations about Biblical values and the saving power of Jesus in the lives of the younger generation. 

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