As we approach 2024, we would be remiss if we did not take a moment to pause and reflect on the past 12 months and all we have accomplished together for the conservative movement and God’s Kingdom, both in the legislature and beyond.

We consider South Dakota’s 2023 legislative session to have been a tremendous success in upholding our values of faith, family and freedom. We worked for the passage of 4 pro-family bills and helped defeat 10 harmful pieces of legislation. Attempts were made to redefine marriage, expand gambling, erode parental rights, increase abortions, and much more. All of these attempts were stopped.

In addition to stopping bad ideas, we worked for several positive victories, including the passage of the “Help Not Harm” bill. You may remember hearing about Sanford Health holding a “Midwest gender Identity Clinic” in 2022, which invited doctors from across the Midwest to come to Sioux Falls and receive training on how to medically “transition” children who were having questions about their gender.

It was time for this madness to stop. It was time to stop chemically castrating children – it was time to prohibit genital mutilation via the surgeon’s knife.

Many of you joined us on the steps of the Capitol as the “Help Not Harm” bill, which stopped these procedures on minors, was launched. We announced to the state, and the nation, that it was time to provide children with real, meaningful help – not harmful injections or surgeries.

Because of your bold demands that state leaders protect children, the bill sailed through the House and Senate.

Legislative wins like these are only possible because friends like you have stepped up to support Family Voice.

We believe that in 2024, with your support, continued victory is possible.

Together, we can fight for policies that uphold our way of life here in South Dakota. We can work to ensure that:

  • Parental rights are protected
  • Religious liberty is safeguarded
  • The sanctity of life is upheld
  • Education options are expanded, & so much more…

Will you stand with us with your time, giving, and resources as we equip South Dakota families to stand in the gap and defend the biblical principles we all hold dear? Join us as we continue to stand for conservative policies and biblical principles.

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