Legislative Radar LegislativeRadar 2025 Legislative Session Download the 2024 Score Card Contact Your Legislators Legend Legislation we are supporting Legislation we are opposing Legislation we are watching A victory A defeat Community Standards HB1053 An act to require that explicit websites implement age verification technologyClick Here to email your Senator! SB18 An act to require that explicit websites implement age verification technology SB180 An act to require that app stores implement age verification technology HB1239 An act to remove the blanket immunity for libraries and other institutions to distribute material harmful to minorsClick Here to email your Representatives! Education HB1020 An act to create education savings accounts and implement school choice HB1009 An act to create education savings accounts and implement school choice SB190 An act to provide property tax credits for educational expenses SB51 An act to require the displaying of the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms HB1054 An act to require school districts to implement a chaplaincy program Parental Rights HB1061 An act to allow parental access to online medical recordsClick Here to email your Senator! SB113 An act to protect parental rightsClick Here to email your Representatives! HB1248 An act to allow for certain prenatal treatments without parental consent Elections HJR5003 An act to place on the ballot the question of raising the vote threshold for amending the constitution from a 50% vote to a 60% voteClick Here to contact your Senator! Life HB1104 An act to allow for “baby boxes” to be installed on certain locations for the emergency surrender on an infant Marriage SB156 An act to prohibit marriage before age 18 Male/Female HB1259 An act to protect bodily privacy in restrooms and overnight accommodationsClick Here to email your Representatives! HB1260 An act to require that state documents reflect biological sex Gambling Expansion SB205 An act to increase the limit on the number of video lottery machines in an establishment SB206 An act to increase the bet limit and winnings on a video lottery machine SJR507 Submitting to the voters in the next general election the question of mobile sports betting HB1203 An act to add horse racing to the list of games available in a casino Contact Your Legislators Call your Representative: 605-773-3851Call your Senator: 605-773-3821Not sure who your legislators are? Find them HERE Find your legislators Past Sessions Legislative Radar 2024Legislative Radar 2023Legislative Radar 2022Legislative Radar 2021Legislative Radar 2020Legislative Radar 2019Legislative Radars 2016-2018