Governor Dennis Daugaard has signed into law SB149

Dale Bartscher

It’s OfficialGovernor Dennis Daugaard has signed into law SB149 – The Faith-Based Adoption Agency Protection Act!!

From our nation’s inception, religious organizations have provided invaluable social services that have lifted people out of poverty, helped them heal, restored their families, and equipped them to one day make their own contributions to society. They do so because their faith teaches them to love and serve one another.

SB149 will now help accomplish that goal by ensuring that faith-based adoption agencies and foster care providers are not penalized under state or local laws because of their beliefs. In addition to secular agencies, and 1960 Attorneys who can facilitate adoptions, South Dakota is also blessed to have several religious agencies, like Bethany Christian Services, New Horizons Adoption Agency and Catholic Social Services that have helped countless children find loving homes. SB149 will now make sure that these agencies aren’t stripped of their licenses or threatened with closure based solely on their beliefs.

It is time that South Dakota lends a helping hand to faith-based adoption agencies and foster care providers to thank them for the helping hands that they have been to South Dakota for decades.   We thank Governor Dennis Daugaard for having done just that in the signing of SB149 into law.

We would be amiss if we did not first say…To God be the Glory!!!!  

  • Psalms 107:1 –  “O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

Second…This was a TEAM effort!!!! 

  • We more than appreciate our Prime Sponsors in Senator Solano and Representative Haugaard who carried the day presenting the case for SB149 with a “flare of excellence”.
  • We also so appreciate the 70 Legislators who supported SB149 as it made its way through the Senate and the House.
  • Congratulations to these SD Faith-Based Adoption Agencies:  Catholic Social Services, Bethany Christian Services and the New Horizons Adoption Agency!
  • We thank Matt Sharp (Alliance Defending Freedom) and Troy Cummings (Bethany Christian Services) for crafting the precise language of SB149.
  • The lobbying team of the Family Heritage Alliance Action (FHA Action) and Concerned Women for America (CWA) made for an effective ‘Boots On The Ground’ presence at the Capitol advocating for the passage of SB149.
  • We so appreciate those South Dakotans who took the time to PRAY for this decision and those who engaged their Legislators and the Governor as well via emails and/or phone calls.  We are also grateful for the assistance of our National Organizations who came to our aid in a number of ways:  Family Policy Alliance, Focus On The Family, Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council.  It makes a difference as we are stronger and better together!
  • Finally, God Bless those children in need of loving families for they truly are the BIG WINNERS with the signing of SB149 into law!

Lastly…Please join me in thanking our Governor Dennis Daugaard for signing SB149 into law.   Simply CLICK HERE and drop him a quick e-mail of appreciation.

SB149 will become law on July 1, 2017.

Yours For Faith, Family and Freedom,
Dale Bartscher, Executive Director

Family Heritage Alliance
P.O. Box 329
Rapid City, SD  57709

OFFICE:  605-718-5433 (LIFE)
MOBILE:  605-390-7319

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